new functions

  • crosstab() : Displays pretty 2, 3 or 4-way cross-tabulations, from possibly weighted data, and with the opportunity to color the cells of the table according to a local measure of association (phi coefficients, standardized residuals or PEM).
  • cattab() : Bivariate statistics between a categorical variable and a set of variables
  • contab() : Bivariate statistics between a continuous variable and a set of variables
  • regtab() : Univariate and multivariate regressions and their average marginal effects side-by-side
  • weighted.cramer() : Cramer’s V measure of association between two (possibly weighted) categorical variables
  • stdres.table() : Standardized and adjusted residuals of a (possibly weighted) contingency table

minor changes

  • all functions concerned : changed default NA level from “NA” to “NAs”
  • all functions concerned : when na.rm = FALSE, a level for NAs is added only if there are NAs
  • all functions concerned : empty levels are not automatically removed

new functions

changes in existing functions

  • assoc.catcont() : new items in the results (summary statistics, test-values)
  • assoc.twocat() : new item in the results (p-values of adjusted standardized residuals)
  • ggassoc_marimekko() : y axis labels are now horizontal
  • condesc() and catdesc() : labels of the results have been renamed ; dec argument is replaced by digits and simplified ; permutation p-values can be provided for variables and categories

new functions

minor changes

  • ggpattern package moved from Imports to Suggests

Many functions in descriptio are imported from GDAtools (1.8), with some changes and improvements, among which the main ones are :

  • Every function handles weights
  • Every function handles NA values
  • A few function and argument name changes