Adds concentration ellipses or other kinds of inertia ellipses to the cloud of individuals of a MCA.

conc.ellipse(resmca, var, sel = 1:nlevels(var), axes = c(1, 2),
 kappa = 2, col = rainbow(length(sel)), pcol = rainbow(length(sel)), pcex = 0.2,
 lty = 1, lwd = 1, tcex = 1, text.lab = TRUE)



object of class MCA, speMCA, csMCA, multiMCA or stMCA


supplementary variable to plot


numeric vector of indexes of the categories to plot (by default, ellipses are plotted for every categories)


length 2 vector specifying the components to plot (default is c(1,2))


numeric. The kappa value (i.e. "index") of the inertia ellipses. By default, kappa = 2, which means that concentration ellipses are plotted.


vector of colors for the ellipses of plotted categories (by default, rainbow palette is used)


vector of colors for the points at the center of ellipses of plotted categories (by default, rainbow palette is used)


numerical value giving the amount by which points at the center of ellipses should be magnified (default is 0.2)


line type for ellipses (default is 1)


line width for the ellipses (default is 1)


numerical value giving the amount by which labels at the center of ellipses should be magnified (default is 0.2)


whether the labels at the center of ellipses should be displayed (default is TRUE)


If kappa=2, ellipses are called "concentration" ellipses and, for a normally shaped subcloud, contain 86.47 percents of the points of the subcloud. If kappa=1, ellipses are "indicator" ellipses and contain 39.35 percents of the points of the subcloud. If kappa=1.177, ellipses are "median" ellipses and contain 50 percents of the points of the subcloud. This function has to be used after the cloud of individuals has been drawn.


Le Roux B. and Rouanet H., Multiple Correspondence Analysis, SAGE, Series: Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences, Volume 163, CA:Thousand Oaks (2010).

Le Roux B. and Rouanet H., Geometric Data Analysis: From Correspondence Analysis to Stuctured Data Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (June 2004).


Nicolas Robette


## Performs specific MCA (excluding 'NA' categories) of 'Taste' example data set,
## plots the cloud of categories
## and adds concentration ellipses for gender variable
junk <- c("FrenchPop.NA", "Rap.NA", "Rock.NA", "Jazz.NA", "Classical.NA",
          "Comedy.NA", "Crime.NA", "Animation.NA", "SciFi.NA", "Love.NA", 
mca <- speMCA(Taste[,1:11], excl = junk)
plot(mca, type = "i")
conc.ellipse(mca, Taste$Gender)

## Draws a blue concentration ellipse for men only
plot(mca, type = "i")
conc.ellipse(mca, Taste$Gender, sel = 1, col = "blue")