Parallelization |
Parallelized conditional inference random forest |
Variable importance for conditional inference random forests |
Variable importance (with AUC performance measure) for conditional inference random forests |
Interpretation |
Partial dependence for a conditional random forest. |
Accumulated Local Effects for a conditional random forest. |
Strength of interactions |
Computes outliers |
Prototypes of groups |
Surrogate tree for conditional inference random forests |
Dot plot of covariates effects |
Dot plot of variable importance |
Trees |
Variable importance for conditional inference trees. |
Permutation tests results for each split in a conditional tree. |
Plots conditional inference trees. |
Plots the results of each node of a conditional inference tree |
Informations about terminal nodes |
Stability assessment of conditional inference trees |
Shiny module to build and analyse conditional inference trees |
An interactive app for conditional inference trees |
Miscellaneous |
Gets a tree from a conditional random forest |
Feature selection for conditional random forests. |
Bivariate association measures for supervised learning tasks. |
Performance measures for regressions |
Performance measures for binary classification tasks |
Data set |
Titanic dataset |