Between-class MCA, also called Barycentric Discriminant Analysis
bcMCA(data, class, excl = NULL, row.w = NULL, ncp = 5)
data frame with only categorical variables, i.e. factors
factor specifying the class
numeric vector indicating the indexes of the "junk" categories (default is NULL). See getindexcat
or use ijunk
interactive function to identify these indexes. It may also be a character vector of junk categories, specified in the form "namevariable.namecategory" (for instance "gender.male").
numeric vector of row weights. If NULL (default), a vector of 1 for uniform row weights is used.
number of dimensions kept in the results (by default 5)
Between-class MCA is sometimes also called Barycentric Discriminant Analysis or Discriminant Correspondence Analysis. It consists in three steps :
1. Transformation of data
into an indicator matrix (i.e. disjunctive table)
2. Computation of the barycenter of the transformed data for each category of class
3. Correspondence Analysis of the set of barycenters
Between-class MCA can also be viewed as a special case of MCA with instrumental variables, with only one categorical instrumental variable.
An object of class CA
from FactoMineR
package, with the indicator matrix of data
as supplementary rows, and an additional item :
the between-class inertia percentage
Abdi H., 2007, "Discriminant Correspondence Analysis", In: Neil Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics, Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage.
Bry X., 1996, Analyses factorielles multiples, Economica.
Lebart L., Morineau A. et Warwick K., 1984, Multivariate Descriptive Statistical Analysis, John Wiley and sons, New-York.)
res <- bcMCA(tea[,1:18], tea$SPC)
# categories of class
plot(res, invisible = c("col", "row.sup"))
# Variables in tea data
plot(res, invisible = c("row", "row.sup"))
#> Warning: ggrepel: 26 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider increasing max.overlaps
# between-class inertia percentage
#> [1] 0.03346136